
You can call me Effy; I am a millennial who desperately misses parts of the old internet. I'm a huge fan of tea, especially Chinese tea and tea culture. I've also started to get into Taoism. Overall, just wanting to keep connected to my ethnic culture because I'm very Westernized (not a bad thing, I just want more balance lol.)

When I have the mental/emotional energy, I enjoy painting and doodling. I like writing little vignette stories that don't go too many places. I have a romantic partner whom I'm very much in love with and a cat who is simultaneously my precious little angel and a lil jerk. He thinks he owns our house (and admittedly, he's not wrong).

I love watching sitcoms and reading non-fiction ("sad social shit" as my one friend calls it as well as personal/professional development books). Music is also a big uplifter for me. I mainly listen to: r&b, hip hop, pop, country, punk rock from my high school years lol. I'm not really a gamer but I do open Animal Crossing once in a while. I could play solitaire for hours though.

Do you know where we are?